May 31Liked by Dennis Dale

Well done, Dennis.

You have expressed in writing what many of his long time readers, myself included, have felt over the last 4 years.

His response to Covid was a little heartbreaking, to say the least. Up until that point I had been a daily reader of his work for more than a decade.

I still have a soft spot for Steve, and I'm glad he is getting some recognition for his work, but your observations hit home, at least for me.

There is a sense of loss there, and it can't be denied.

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I'm trying to get a sense of how important what I call the "Corona-Panic" really was in this tale.

Do you, or anyone else who may be reading this, have any recollection of a Sailer-shift from before 2020?

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May 31Liked by Dennis Dale

Curtis Yarvin was someone else, broadly on the right, who went full in for the Covid operation; positively was salivating about the firm hand that China had demonstrated in their "Covid response" and wanted the same approach here. Something about "Monarchy", I guess.

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He's of a particular ethnic group, which is why what is clearly "The Synagogue" got named "The Cathedral". It's sort of a trip as a practicing Catholic to have had him a)blame every problem on Protestantism and then b)make sure Catholicism is unpalatable was well without once mentioning Jews.

The issue when it comes down to it is bigger than just political ideas, which is perhaps why they both got sucked in.

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Jun 1Liked by Dennis Dale

This Sailer-retrospective essay is excellent and valuable.

I respond to it here:


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"He’s accepted uncritically the covid narrative, including lockdowns and mandatory vaccines"

I don't recall him ever endorsing vaccine mandates. He did advise people to get vaccinated. Are you so dumb you can't distinguish those things?

"adding to his growing catalogue of conventional views"

He never endorsed anti-vax, which had been around for a long time before 2020. He didn't change his mind. You did and are mad that he didn't jump on your bandwagon.

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